Growing Pains

> Hey there!
> I was asked by the labels that are helping us releasing this record to
> write a pressrelease for it. However, Im not that good at that stuff and
> most of them is so boring anyway. So im doing it my way instead.
> First, Growing Pains is a swedish punk/hardcore band that was started by
> me and some friends back in 2009. We all had played
> in various punk and hardcorebands for a long time. We felt we needed to
> start something new and fresh though, since we kinda
> had lost that feeling of urgency that you need to make a band really
> good. That feeling we all have when we get a new project
> going, and I guess thats why alot of bands first demotracks and records
> are considered their best work. Maybe its the same
> story with this band, I dont know... I´d like to think that this album
> is our best work to date, but I hate bands that always
> say that out of obligation even though they know its bullshit, so I wont.
> What can I say more about the band before I start babbling about this
> release. We played quite alot around Sweden for a while
> and we also went to Spain which was insane, so we hope to get back there
> soon. We have also released an EP, its called Rite
> Of passage. It contains 7 really good songs I think. We released it
> ourselves and have like a ton of them left, Ill make sure
> to get the labels doing this record to have them available to you, so
> check it out!
> Now, "This is not a threat, its a promise..."... I guess its a quite
> weird title and David asked me about it. The title came
> to me during the process of writing this record. I realized that it
> would be the angriest and most political record that I
> had ever done and that it wasnt a conscious move. I just wrote about all
> the fucked up situations going on around that time
> in Sweden with the election and the economic crisis. Shit is still
> fucked up and our right wing government keeps selling out
> everything that belongs to us all. The damage they have managed to cause
> this country will take many many years to rebuild,
> if its even possible. The Alliance (the 4 ruling rightwing parties) is
> still in office, and even though i think their time
> will soon be up I will never stop singing "Fuck your alliance" and talk
> about the meaning of this song cause people seem to
> forget quite easy the consequenses of their thirst after having a few
> extra bucks in their wallet.
> So, the albumtitle is actually stolen and a almost direct translation of
> a recordtitle by an old swedish band from the 70's.
> I wont say which one, but the one who tell me the correct answer can get
> a free record or tshirt or something.
> And while we talk about stealing... Ofcourse we stole some riffs too. We
> all love bands like Nofx, Bad Religion, Pennywise,
> Good Riddance and we snatched things from them all here and there. We
> also had the guts to steal some stuff from Offspring
> even though their latest album sucks so bad and they are considered
> lame. So, before the accusations starts raining down on
> us, we plead guilty! Everyones doing it, so why cant we??
> The album was recorded and produced by Gustav Burn whos like the most
> famous hardcoreproducer in Sweden now and he also plays
> guitar for Atlas Losing Grip. And even though we werent allowed to drink
> beer in the studio we still love him.
> This album is released on 12" vinyl by Salad Days Records (Portugal),
> Monument Records (Sweden) and Socks Off Collective
> (Sweden) and I suggest that you buy this record to support them and
> their hard work. And maybe they will consider to work
> with us again. Yeah sure, this album will soon be on Spotify, iTunes and
> all over the internet. But honestly, how fun is
> that? Youre not getting the awesome artwork that our amazing friend
> Kalle Garmark did for the record. And you can try to
> impress the girl you brought home with mp3s. Show her the blue vinyl
> instead and close the deal.