Crazy Lixx

Hailing from the south-west coast of Sweden, Crazy Lixx was one of the first bands to
emerge in what has been popularly known as "The New Wave of Swedish Sleaze Metal"
alongside bands like Hardcore Superstar, Crashdïet and Vains of Jenna but just like their
fellow bands, Crazy Lixx have evolved their own personal style within the sub-genre and
are now considered more of an 80's influenced hard rock / hair metal group. With three albums behind them, the latest of which was released in April 2012 and was
supersceded by the already gold-licensed single "In the Night" (link below), the band is
growing steadily in popularity and is recognized as one of the leading bands of the
"Swedish Sleaze" movement and after playing all the major festivals in their home country
(such as Sweden Rock Festival, Rockweekend, Getaway Rock Festival and Arvikafestivalen)
the band is now ready to branch out to the rest of Europe with their straight forward,
fist-in-the-air, sing-along hard rock music. From the start, Crazy Lixx have been trying to do it the easy way; rocking riff guitars,
big sing-along choruses, rough and high pitch vocals and thundering drums are all
ingridients of great hard rock if you ask the Lixx. It's not about re-inventing the wheel
for this band, but instead to return to the hard rock that was lost in the early 90's and
start building something new from there but still retaining the elements that made
influential bands such as Guns n' Roses, Mötley Crüe, Aerosmith, Skid Row, Def Leppard,
Alice Cooper or AC/DC the legendary rock bands they are today.