Vicious Rock

Alice Blue

Alice Blue

The sound of Alice Blue is the sound of an old destitute city, their city, caught between an unknown future and past open wounds. But in the midst of this uncertainty they found charm, hopefulness and it inspired them. The band want their music to be loud and big, to reflect our positive outlook on their surroundings. They want the wall of sound to hit the people at their most vulnerable and hopefully bring about change within them and within the band.

Their surroundings define them and the music they make. The band believe in it 100% because it is a reflection of who they are.

Månd-Tisd Stängt Onsd-Torsd 21-02 Fred-Lörd 17-02 Söndag Stängt Åldersgräns: 18 år Välkomna!
Webbsida utvecklad av Trinax AB