Vicious Rock

VA Rocks

VA Rocks

VA ROCKS is Ida, Frida and Klara who play straight, uncompromising rocknroll, covered in the best punk rock elements.
Rough guitar riffs, hard drums, steady bass and a voice that will knock you out.
The band is heavily influenced by bands like AC/DC, Danko Jones, Ramones and The Runaways.

Since Ida (Guitar/ Lead Vocals) and Frida (Drums/ Vocals) started the band in 2006 they have have gotten alot of live experience and past shows has been as support to bands like Bonafide, Abramis Brama, The Poodles, The Headlines, Stry & Stripparna and Sator.

Månd-Tisd Stängt Onsd-Torsd 21-02 Fred-Lörd 17-02 Söndag Stängt Åldersgräns: 18 år Välkomna!
Webbsida utvecklad av Trinax AB