Bai Bang

Bai Bang
A driving force of Swedish melodic rock, Bai Bang has been around since the late eighties. With heavy guitars and drums,
thundering bass, great hooks and catchy choruses Bai Bang is a force to be reckoned with. They have played all around the
world, from small restaurants to the biggest festivals and arenas all over the globe. Rocklahoma, Wacken Open Air, HRH,
Mosh n' May, Sweden Rock Festival, just to name a few. They have toured with Nazareth, Alice Cooper, Dio, Ratt and many
more of the greatest hard rock and heavy metal artists of the world.
Currently recording their tenth album scheduled for release in early 2023.
Bai Bang is: Diddi Kastenholt on vocals, Pelle Eliasson on guitar, Christian Lindberg on guitar, Tobbe Skogh on bass and Micke Rosengren on drums.

- A.W
- Abandon Agony
- Abramis Brama
- Absolva
- Adamah
- Afsky
- Afterburner
- Age of Woe
- Agent Steel
- Aggressive Chill
- Alfahanne
- Alice Blue
- Alter Sonic
- Anders F. Rönnblom
- Andy & The Rockets
- Angers Curse
- Angus
- Antares
- Anti-Lam Front
- Apollo
- Aqua Blå
- Arsenite
- Art Nation
- As We Burn
- Ascend
- Asta Kask
- Astrolites
- Awaken The Atlas
- Aynsley Lister
- Backstage Goes Synth
- Backstage Rocks Högbo
- Backstage Summer Fest
- Badmouth
- Bai Bang
- Bangalore Choir
- Battering Ram
- Beatallica
- Benedictum
- Bernts Sockervadd
- Beyond Mortality
- Beyond My Savior
- Bird Streets
- Black House Hill
- Black Metal Night
- Black Royal
- Blacksmith Legacy
- Blaze Bayley
- Bloodlit
- Blue Penny
- Bob Log III
- Bonafide
- Bonni Pontén
- Bosse Siljevall Band
- Braincoats
- Brides Of Destruction GBG
- Broadcast
- Browsing Collection
- Brutalizer
- Bullet
- Bulletrain
- Bullets and Octane
- Cage
- Calatea
- Capricorn
- Carnosus
- Casablanca
- Chainsaw Holiday
- Charta 77
- Cherie Currie
- Chris Bay
- Chris Holmes
- Christmas Metal Symphony
- Chronus
- Circle Of conspiracy
- Cirkus Prütz
- Cliff
- Close Quarters
- Cobra Cult
- Corky Laing & The Bobos
- Corroded
- Cover Kings
- Craneium
- Crazy Lixx
- Creeping Flesh
- Crowsnest
- Crucified Barbara
- D.I.G
- Dahlia
- Dan Reed Trio
- David Reece
- De Lyckliga Kompisarna
- Dead Awaken
- Dead By April
- Dead End
- Dead Sleep
- Deadheads
- Deals Death
- Death Tyrant
- Definitivt
- Degradead
- Degreed
- Den Onde,Den Gode & Den Fule
- Denied
- Descalier
- Descarado
- Devilicious
- Deville
- Diamond Dawn
- Dirtbound
- Disrated
- Doka
- Donna Cannone
- Dorothea
- Doug Blair
- dp
- Dragon Steel
- Dust Bowl Jokies
- Dynamite
- Dynazty
- Dödaren
- Dödskvartetten
- Dökött
- E.W.O.
- Eclipse
- Egonaut
- El Pompero
- Eldrimner
- Electric Boys
- Electric Earth
- Electric Hydra
- Emma Varg
- En Sista Chans
- Engel
- Entombed
- Entrench
- Enuff Z´nuff
- Envig
- Epic Meduza
- Eradikated
- Eric Martin
- Erik Grönwall
- Eternal Evil
- Evil Masquerade
- Eyes Wide Open
- F
- F.K.U
- Fallens dagar
- Falls of Mimir
- Family Jam 2015
- Fatal Smile
- Fate
- Fejd
- Feuerräder
- Firecrest
- Freak Kitchen
- Freddie Nyström Band
- Fretless
- Frontalkrock
- Frontback
- Fruktansvärld
- Fuck The Virus
- Förfest Tattoo Meltdown 16
- Generous Maria
- Geoff Tate
- Ghost Avenue
- Giftigt Avfall
- Gilby Clarke
- Gooseflesh
- Graham Bonnet
- Grand Design
- Grand Theft Culture
- Grande Royale
- Grayscale Season
- Green Helmet
- Green Jelly
- Growing Pains
- Gubbjävlers
- Guilty as Charged
- Gust
- Gökotta
- H.E.A.T
- Hammersmith
- Happy Birthday Mr Hendrix
- Hard Buds
- Harriet Nauer
- Headstag
- Heavy & Hjelm
- Hedda Hatar
- Hexagon
- Hexed
- Hillstream United
- House of Lords
- Hugg
- Humbucker
- Hårdrockskväll på Torget
- I am hunger
- Icon In Me
- Imber
- In Black
- In Spite
- Iron Trooper
- Iron Whores
- Ivory
- Jack The Lad
- Jade Scott
- Jaggernaut
- Jason Ringenberg
- Jay Smith
- Jeet Kune Do
- Jejo Perkovic
- Jinjer
- John Corabi
- Junkstars
- K.A.Z
- Kaj Pousar
- Karaoke
- Katana
- Kee Marcello
- Kill The Kong
- Kim Reteike
- Knights of Hangover
- Knogjärn
- Knorrfest
- Krymplings
- Kryptos
- Kvasar
- Laarhöne
- Lancer
- Larry and the next year sensations
- Lastkaj 14
- Liar, Thief, Bandit
- Lillasyster
- Liv Sin
- Lizzy Borden
- London Based Hellfireclub
- Lord Belial
- Lord of Cyclopes
- Lost Seconds
- Lost Wisdom
- Love and a .38
- Luftgitarr SM
- Luftslott
- M.ill.ion
- Maktkamp
- Man Machine Industry + Big 4
- Manthra
- Marcus Larbring
- Marionet
- Mark Zero
- Martin Sweet
- Maskinisten
- Mass Worship
- Mean Streak
- Memoria
- Memory Of Meduza
- Mental Chains
- Meridian
- Metal Phoenix
- Metalite
- Mike Tramp
- MillaMichella
- Mimikry
- Mindghost
- Miss Willis
- Moon Mother
- Motördads
- Mud Train Express
- Mumincunt
- My Dear Addiction
- Mäbe
- Märvel
- Nale
- Nekromant
- Nemis Night December 2022
- Never Say Die
- Nicke Borg
- Nitrodive
- No Fun At All
- Noema
- Oktoberfestkaraoke
- Old Spice Rockers
- One Desire
- Opia
- Ost+Front
- Osukaru
- Outshine
- Ozzy The Coverband
- Pain City
- Palindrome
- Pamparius Dudes
- Panikliv
- Passion For Sorrow
- Pastoratet
- Paul Dianno
- Paulo Mendonca
- Pectora
- Perception of Darkness
- Plan Three
- Plantera
- Pontus Snibb 3
- Power Metal Night
- Pretty Boy Floyd
- Prime
- Psycho Dogs
- Put Me Out
- Quireboys
- Quiz
- R.I.P Uddevalla
- Radar
- Raubtier
- Ravaged
- Razorbats
- Reaper Of Sorrow
- Rebel Collective
- Rebel Road
- Recoil
- Red Tail
- Reenact
- ReinXeed
- Renegade Five
- Repay
- Revelations
- Rhythm Roots
- Richie Ramone
- Rimfrost
- Ringo Franco
- Rite Of Passage
- Roadhouse Diet
- Ronnie Åström
- Roof Down
- Route 66
- Ryan Roxie
- S.O.R.M
- Sabbra Cadabra
- Sacred
- Saffire
- Saint Deamon
- Saint Rebel
- Sandalinas
- Sarah Gave It Up
- Sarcator
- Satan Takes A Holiday
- Satanic Youth Club
- Searching For Serenity
- Self Deception
- Serpent
- Shadowquest
- Shape of the new sun
- Sherlock Brothers
- Sideburn
- Since Ever
- Sinners Choir
- Siphon Fuel
- Sir Reg
- Sister
- Sister Sin
- Skallbank
- Skintrade
- Skitarg
- Skuggfolk
- Skumdum
- SlaughterCoffin
- Slowgate
- Smash Atoms
- Smash Into Pieces
- Smells Like Nirvana
- Småsur
- Sole Syndicate
- Solitude
- Sonata Arctica + support
- Sonic Surf City
- Sonic Syndicate
- Sort By Title
- Sound Of Simplicity
- Spiders
- Spiral Skies
- Stala & SO
- Stand Up
- Stephen Lynch Tribute
- Still ILL
- Stone AD
- Stone Division
- Streamline
- Strebers
- Subkult Pre-party
- Subkultfestivalen
- Suicide Bombers
- Suicide Night pt 1.
- Svältvinter
- Sweet Teeth
- T-Bone &the Burning Marshalls
- Tales of Eden
- Ted Poley
- The Bjorn
- The Cringe Kids Cult
- The Damn Stars
- The Dead Lay Waiting
- The Drippers
- The Generals
- The Gloria Story
- The Hate Project
- The Hawkins
- The Jolly Beggars
- The Knockouts
- The Last Band
- The Last Vegas
- The Mammuthus
- The Mercury Riots
- The Neverdies
- The Parity Complex
- The Quill
- The Resistance
- The Scams
- The Sonic Overlords
- The Three Tremors
- The Unburned
- The Unguided
- The Wednesdays
- Theatre Of Pain
- Thn Rock City
- Thomas Silver
- Thundermother
- Thundermouth
- Tigertailz
- Tisdass & Friends
- Topplock
- Torn Visions
- Total Egon
- Total Inferno
- Toxic Lab Rats
- Transport League
- Trial
- Trident
- Troublemakers
- Tuff/Shameless
- Tupelo Highshots
- Twin
- Tygers Of Pan Tang
- Tyranex
- Uffe Andersson & Radar
- Uli Jon Roth
- Unborn
- V8Wankers
- VA Rocks
- Vain
- Vains of Jenna
- Vandor
- Vanhelgd
- Veonity
- Vicious Rock Festival
- Vietcong Pornsurfers
- Vokonis
- Volster
- Vomitrot
- Vrävarna
- Vulgar Display Of Pantera
- W.A.S
- W.A.S.P.
- Walking with strangers
- Warfect
- Warrior Soul
- We Sell The Dead
- Weapon
- Wild Tears
- Wildnite
- Wishing Well
- Witchers Creed
- With Heavy Hearts
- Wolf
- Wolfman
- Writing the Future
- Yearning For Distortion
- Zabotage
- Zero Illusions
- Zodiac Mindwarp & Love Reaction
- Åfysatan!
- Åskväder
- Ölhävers