Gilby Clarke

Okay, this guy Gilby Clarke was in Guns N’ Roses. He also played guitar for the MC5, Nancy Sinatra, Heart and now Rockstar: Supernova.
He twiddled production knobs for internationally lauded, tumbledown punks The Bronx, LA Guns & Alice Cooper. More importantly, he’s made a bunch of records that rock ’n’ roll purists the world over treasure and occasionally argue about.
If that ain’t a cache of cred, than what is? But forget all that. What you should know is this: Gilby Clarke understands rock ’n’ roll; hell, his heart pumps the shit. |
As a singer, guitarist and songwriter he’s an old-school mash-up of Keef, Johnny Thunders, and B.B. King. See, the tousled guitar hero was but a 17 -year-old Cleveland punk when he split for the sparkly glit of Hollywood. A fresh-off-the-bus cliché? Nah, Clarke made it all his own. He dived into the Tinseltown music scene headfirst and came up swinging in Candy. (Whose lone 1984 Polygram album, Whatever Happened to Fun?, is referenced in the hippest of rock crit corners; copies fetch hefty coin on Ebay). When the criminally ignored Candy soured, Clarke fronted Kill for Thrills, a wonderfully strident, big riff quartet (for whom Clarke penned the lion’s share of tunes).
From there, Clarke won Izzy’s spot in the Guns N’ Roses circus; private jets, football stadiums and diplomatic immunity followed. He spent three years on the massive Use Your Illusion world tour that began in the fall of ’91. Clarke appeared on the GN’R albums’ The Spaghetti Incident, Live Era ’88 – ’91 and Greatest Hits. While a member of the band he was a recipient of the MTV Video Vanguard Award. Oh yeah, let’s not forget… he has his picture on the GNR pinball machine too.
When the Guns machine imploded at the behest of W. Axl Rose, Clarke hit out on his own armed with a Les Paul and a handful of songs. Hence his solo show, which kicked off in ’94 with the critically gushed over Pawnshop Guitars (included the four-on-the-floor rock radio hits "Cure Me...Or Kill Me," and "Tijuana Jail"), followed by ’97’s The Hangover (two cuts can be heard in the Bruce Willis vehicle The Story of Us), ’98’s Rubber, ’99’s 99 Live, and 2002’s Swag.
In the meantime, the guitarist began sharpening his studio skills in his own Redrum recording facility. He’s produced many, including LA Guns, Beat Angels and the aforementioned Rolling Stone Best New Artist pick The Bronx.