Vicious Rock



The band started at the end of 2008 when Drummer Jonnie Stödberg, Bassplayer Robin Niklasson and Guitarist Dennis Ingmarsson left the Nynäshamn-based band Dropfill to start what would later be named My Burning Beloved. At that time the lineup also consisted of leadguitarist Fredrik Ryberg (now in Catena). While searching for a singer the band started rehearsing and writing songs and in summer of 2009 the band had what they considered to be ten solid song ideas. At this time Fredrik Ryberg decided to leave the band in order to focus more on his other band, Catena. With no singer yet in place the three remaining members also proceeded to audition for another guitarist and after going through a few possible candidates, settled for the 17-year young Marcus Lilliequist. At this time a good amount of singers had been tested, but they either lacked the skill or the commitment needed.

In the winter of 2009 it was decided to enter the studio and record three songs to break away from the frustration of not finding a singer. At this time Marcus announced that he had to leave the band due to medical reasons and thus the band was back at square one yet again.

The start of 2010 seemed a good time for My Burning Beloved as they found a great guitarist in Martin Lunnegård and not long after, in May of 2010, the ex-Poseidon and Scorned singer Robert Bengtsson was brought in to complete the lineup. A collective decision was made to scrap the old name, My Burning Beloved, as it was thought that it didn't quite reflect the music the band was producing. Ascend was soon adopted as the new bandname and after much blood, sweat and beers at the rehearsalroom the band decided to enter Sleepland Production AB studio to record their new three-track demo, due to hit the streets in late September 2010.

With the fresh demo completed and gigs starting to roll in, confidence is high and the band is itching to hit the road and show the world what they can do as they feel the sky is the only limit...

Månd-Tisd Stängt Onsd-Torsd 21-02 Fred-Lörd 17-02 Söndag Stängt Åldersgräns: 18 år Välkomna!
Webbsida utvecklad av Trinax AB